Query Fees
Eligible Entity Query Fees
Fees are charged for all queries submitted to the NPDB. By federal law, the NPDB must recover the full costs of operations. The NPDB does not receive annual Congressional appropriations; it is self-supporting through user fees.
For all queries except Self-Queries, there are two payment mechanisms. Queriers are charged individually for each One-Time (Traditional) Query submitted and are charged on a subscription basis for Continuous Query enrollments.
The act of submitting a query to the NPDB is considered an agreement to pay the associated fee for the service. This includes queries that are processed by the NPDB (regardless of whether there is information on file concerning the subject of the query) and queries that are rejected because they are improperly submitted or lack information. Query fees are charged based on the date the query is received at the NPDB. Query fees are subject to change; any change to fees is announced by the secretary of Health and Human Services in the Federal Register.
Self-Query Fees
An individual or organization may submit a Self-Query at any time using the Self-Query service. A fee is charged per Self-Query and for any additional copies of the query response requested.